If you’re anything like me, you tend to worry. About school, about work, about money, about relationships, about not being in a relationship, about your friend’s relationships, etc. You just worry. Things are not in your control and they are not going the way you’d like. You lose sleep at night. You stay tired because you’re always worrying.
I’ve been reading through the Old Testament recently, and I came across this in Genesis 22. It’s the story of Abraham and Isaac. A man of God following so closely after the Lord that he was willing to sacrifice him because the Lord asked him to. And when the Lord saw his faith, he spared Abraham’s precious son and provided a ram for the sacrifice.
I’m sure you’ve heard it - I’d heard it many times. But it continues. And this is my favorite part.
“Abraham called the name of that place The Lord Will Provide, as it is said to this day, ‘In the mount of the Lord it will be provided.’”
Oh, I just love that. Abraham did not follow God that day knowing his son would be spared. He was prepared to sacrifice him in order to follow the God that he loved. The Lord spared Isaac and provided for Abraham, yes - but this man of faith did not have that promise to walk in before it was granted.
We are promised, time and time again, in the Scriptures that God will provide for His own. If the sparrows have food, the Lord will take care of us. He knows each of the countless stars by name and lifts us up on wings like eagles. He provides. He has always provided and will always provide.
It is with great humility that I look at this passage, and then look at my own lack of faith in my worrying. Sure, what you’re worrying about may be a huge deal - say you need $800 for a bill that’s due tomorrow - but God will provide.
Jehovah Jireh - God our PROVIDER. It’s His NAME. What a cool thing to sit back, TRUST, and realize providing isn’t just something He does - it’s who He is.
May you find some peace + freedom from the worry in your life today.
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